Asbestos, Durham, NC

Remtech Environmental > Asbestos, Durham, NC

If you suspect that you have asbestos in your home, give our team a call to get professional inspection and removal services.

At Remtech Environmental, we believe that your home should be a healthy, safe environment for you and your loved ones. When it comes to the overall safety of any building, it’s important to look at what materials were used in its construction–and unfortunately, asbestos, a known carcinogen, remained extremely popular for many decades. Although the use of most asbestos products was banned in 1978, the use of them didn’t truly stop until well into the ‘80s, as the regulations allowed businesses to use up their existing inventory.   Asbestos can still be found in many homes in many different forms, with one example being popcorn ceilings. If you have popcorn ceilings in your home or have other reasons to be concerned about asbestos, just give our team a call. We have the right experience and training to remove the harmful material and make your home truly safe.

Asbestos has many properties that make it useful as a construction material, such as being highly heat-resistant and acting as an effective electrical insulator, which explains why it was so popular for so long. However, as time went on, it became increasingly clear that asbestos’ downsides far outweighed its benefits. Asbestos is made of millions of microscopic crystal fibers that can easily enter your lungs as you breathe, where they are highly likely to cause cancer.

Our team is proud to serve the Durham, North Carolina community, and we want to help you keep yourself and your family safe from the damaging effects of asbestos. If you suspect that you may have this hazardous material in your home, give us a call to get our removal experts on the job.

Do I need asbestos removal?

At Remtech Environmental, we offer a range of services to help handle asbestos present in buildings throughout Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Asheville, Morrisville, Wake Forest, Wendell, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro, North Carolina.

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